Release 1.7.0 - July 2024

This release reflects the following Specifications:

FCG TS62769 Revision 1.3

New features or components in this release:

Updated schema file

This release contains the following versions of components. Not all licenses will include all of these components:

EDD Engine12.0.1.110
UI Engine1.7.0.4597

The following CRs were resolved in this release:

Device Model Services

CR/Bug NumberSummary
4412Upload method execution aborted
4281Excessive reads from a device will cause poor performance in hosts - all protocols
4380Dependent parameters show up as modified parameters after Apply
4341Need semantic map with culture strings for Multilanguage support for PA DIM AlarmInfoString
4355Fatal error _pendingCommunicationQueueProcessing is already true
3912HART 510 BUI10140-(008,009): WRITE_AS_ONE Displays both items instead of only 1
4226512 VAR19090-001: Initialized TimeSecondsScale value is off by a decimal place
3461Multiple write requests based on configured parameters related to same command from FDI host
4050Upload of all device variables has a lot of duplicated commands
4382OPCUA Namespace should not end with forward slash (/) for AliasNameType
3866Flickering edit icon is observed in Actual configuration tab of Simocode package v2.0.0 and has an empty value
4342HART 513 UIB12000-005: DELAY_TIME method must be updated in DMS
4371max value for cycle_time in uid wrong
4123RRTE Needs Enhancement:  Command 9 to send max number of Device Variable codes in Single Transaction
3894.net6 wrapper for DMS api
4378REGRESSION: Delayfor() and Delayfor2() builtins no longer wait for the allotted time
4213Failed to read device parameter for E & H Level Flex device revision 4 & DD revision 3
3148PA-DIM: Type of reference is extended with HasAlias, HasProperty and HasComponent possibility

EDD Engine

CR/Bug NumberSummary
4255PROFIBUS Reference ARRAY assignment fails
4327Methods - Parameter types- Array and Menus not working
4426parameter referenced in refresh relation not read in Version 1.6
4093EDD Engine crashes due to builtin variable type time_t treated as long instead of long long type
3300Add new builtin get_status_string2
4125EDDItemsXML contains duplicate attributes
4273RRTE request data 3 times before drawing a graph
4328Cannot import Profinet FDI package into RRTE
4361HART 513 UIB12000-005: DELAY_TIME method must be updated in EDD Engine

UI Engine

CR/Bug NumberSummary
4379HTML5 UIPs are not working anymore with FDI_Package_IDE_1.7.0_Build662
3938HART 511 CHT27110-(001,003): Chart axis label in RRTE does not match what is in the Test Spec
3124ENUMS and BITENUMS that conditionally become out of range should be marked with out of range indicator in RRTE
3940HART 511 CHT33010-(003,005): Graph behaving inconsistently and in a manner that goes against the spec
3288GAUGE chart color bands run together - do not follow EDDL Part 4
3992HART 510 BUI10140-(008,009): WRITE_AS_ONE Displays both items instead of only 1
1732HART511 GPH21040-002 expectation are not correct
4180Display menu has empty menu entries for draeger polytron 8000 device type
4244513 UIB20420-007: (Regression) Invalid values are not reset to previous good value
4390REGRESSION: False Visibility Group on a PAGE shall not be shown, and space shall not be reserved
4415512 VAR19090-001: Initialized TimeSecondsScale value is off by a decimal place - correct value is only displayed after clicking
4435REGRESSION: HART 512 - HQAVAR19000 through 19080 display wrong initial values for 9 Time Variables
3721 FF HTK TC_GR_013 - REFRESH ACTIONS of a GRAPH's Waveform Run Each Cycle Time
3943HART 513 UIB12000-005: DELAY_TIME method does not behave according to spec in RRTE

Known Issues

Known issues at the time of release are included below. If additional notable issues are found with this version of the product, they will be added to this log for reference with the date they were reported.

CR/Bug NumberComponentSummaryReported Date

Previous Releases

View the change log history here.