The content of the interpretation resolution is truncated in this article.  The complete Interpretation Resolution can be found at:

Referenced Specification(s)

Network Management Specification. HCF_SPEC-085, FCG TS20085

Wireless Command Specification. HCF_SPEC-155, FCG TS20155


HART-IP specifies that all I/O systems shall cache certain responses from their sub-devices. This Interpretation

Resolution itemizes and clarifies key caching requirements found in the Network Management Specification (FCG

TS20085). I/O System requirements for "Stale Data Notice" are found in both the Network Management

Specification and the Wireless Command Specification (FCG TS20155). Furthermore, this document provides

implementation guidance for developers.

• Delayed Response Buffers

• Cache Refreshing

• Cache Stale Calculation

• Cache Flushing

• Caching Device Additional Status

• Caching Configuration Changed Counter

• Dynamic Data Caching