The Unified Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) is an international standard (IEC-61804) used to describe an object model of the product for integration into a host system via an encoded file (EDD). The EDD encoded file content differs based on the protocol and type of product supported. However, the EDD can describe any product type (PLC, Multiplexer, Gateway, transmitter, actuator, etc.). The EDD is loaded by an EDD host which will use the file to provide a human-readable version of data received from the device.
Support for EDD is more than just FieldComm Group, other protocols such as PROFIBUS and ISA 100 which are independent of the FieldComm Group are also supporters of EDD.
You should review the FieldComm Group support portal. There are several articles on how to proceed and the portal provides an opportunity to ask specific support questions.
The best way to proceed with EDD development is to Attend, Purchase, Read, Develop and Register!
Attend a scheduled Device Integration Workshop or contact us to request On-Site Workshops.
Purchase the FDI Package IDE which is extended to offer a single platform for DD and FDI Package development. Note that there are several options available including multi-protocol IDEs and multi-seat license options. The FDI Package IDE includes sample EDD source code, device emulator, tokenizer, editor, and standard import libraries. You can read more information regarding it on the support portal.
Read the FDI Specifications (see list of specifications). As a member of FieldComm Group, you obtain access to the technical specifications by filing a request. The latest FDI and EDDL Specifications are available to read online.
You may also find interest in books and support from various member companies who offer EDD development services!
Develop and Register your product with an EDD and FDI Package. FieldComm Group will test and register your products to the latest specifications, you start by opening a request for testing in the support portal. Registered products are then published in the FieldComm Group Product Registry where end-users can access the EDD and FDI Packages for your products to integrate within their control applications.